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OGM si, OGM no

Un ottimo articolo è appena apparso EMBO journal. Ovviamente gli autori sono scienziati e non i tanti, troppi, improvvisati cianciatori di scienza (giusto ho sentito parlare Mario Capanna ... che profondità tecnica ... pieta!!!!!!!)

Il titolo è esplicativo

Stop worrying; start growing

(Torbjörn Fagerström, Christina Dixelius, Ulf Magnusson & Jens F Sundström, EMBO reports (2012) 13, 493 - 497)

Ever since the Asilomar Conference on ‘Recombinant DNA' in February 1975, regulatory policies relating to recombinant DNA technology have focused on the idea that this technology implies threats to human health and the environment. As a consequence, the explicit goal of these policies is to protect society and nature from an assumed hazard, or, if protection is not possible, at least to delay the implementation of the technology until scientific evidence shows it to be harmless. 
These policies were widely accepted at the time, as public concerns were, and still are, important. As time has gone by, the evidence for negative impacts of genetically modified (GM) crops has become weaker. However, the regulatory policies within the EU are still rigid enough to prevent most GM crops from leaving the confined laboratory setting; should some candidate occasionally overcome the hurdles posed by these policies, the precautionary principle is invoked in order to ensure further delaying in its use in the field. The reason for this over-cautious approach is widespread public resistance to GM crops, caused and amplified by interested groups that are opposed to the technology and invest heavily into lobbying against it ...

continua qui

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